日時 2017年7月26日(水)10時00分~17時00分
内容 夏祭りをテーマに、水引で飾ったこけし「祝いこけし」を作るワークショップ
場所 日立システムズホール仙台<仙台市青年文化センター>(宮城県仙台市 青葉区旭ヶ丘3丁目 27-5)
対象 原則小学3年生~6年生及び中学生(25名)
講師 櫻井尚道/こけし工人
参加費 1,000円
協力 桜井こけし店
鳴子こけしの頭部には、「水引手(みずひきて)」と呼ばれる文様が描かれています。この文様は、祝事の際に飾られた京都の御所人形に前髪を結ぶ水引の文様として描かれ、こけしに受け継がれたと言われています。こども芸術の村(村長:京都造形芸術大学 教授 松井利夫)では、この水引手から着想を得て、鳴子こけしの伝統にのっとりながらも、縁起物のこけしの新たなスタイルとして、鳴子こけしに水引をあしらった「祝いこけし」を創作するワークショップを開催しました。
9:30 開場
10:00 【ワークショップ開始】はじめのあいさつ(10分)
10:10 鳴子こけしのおはなし(20分)
10:30 水引のおはなし~水引細工の制作(1時間30分)
12:00 昼食休憩
13:00 絵付けのおはなし、祝いこけしのデザイン
14:00 祝いこけし制作、後片付け(2時間)
16:00 講評会、作品写真撮影(45分)
16:45 おわりのあいさつ、集合写真、アンケート記入(15分)
17:00 【ワークショップ終了】
1.12 Making Celebratory Kokeshi Dolls: “Iwai-Kokeshi” 2017
Date: 10:00–17:00, Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Saturday and Sunday, September 2 and 3, 2017
Contents: Children drew a design on naruko kokeshi dolls and tied a mizuhiki ribbon on each one, to make their own creations called “Iwai-Kokeshi.” Iwai-Kokeshi were displayed at the 63rd National Kokeshi Festival in Naruko, Miyagi.
Venue: 3-27-5, Asahigaoka, Aoba-ku Sendai-shi, Miyagi, 981-0904, Japan
Participation fee: JPY 1,000
The Iwai-Kokeshi is original creations by the Art Village for Children made using traditional naruko kokeshi and mizuhiki ribbons, which are often used to decorate gifts on auspicious occasions. The first workshop was held in Naruko last year, but the venue was moved to Sendai for this second workshop.
The workshop began with Mr. Sakurai, a kokeshi craftsman, teaching the children about the history of kokeshi and the crafting processes used to make them. He then passed around various types of traditional kokeshi, and the children examined the differences between each type’s form, design, and color. According to Mr. Sakurai, naruko kokeshi are unique in that when the head section of one is turned it makes a sound. The children were happy to test this out. Kokeshi should not be used in this way, but today was a special exception since the children had the permission of a certified kokeshi craftsperson to try it out.
Once the children began creating their Iwai-Kokeshi, they created many unique works not bound by the forms of tradition: some mizuhiki were made to look like Sendai’s tanabata pennants, or kokeshi without faces. Additionally, the children were very independent in their projects, bringing in designs they had prepared beforehand, or proposing presentation elements after crafting their creations.
The Iwai-Kokeshi created by the children at this workshop were displayed at the 63rd National Kokeshi Festival held in Naruko Onsen on September 2 and 3, 2017. They decorated the venue alongside traditional kokeshi made by famous kokeshi craftspeople.