日時 2017年10月15日(日)13時30分~16時30分
内容 オリジナルフェーブを使用したガレット・デ・ロワを制作するワークショップ
場所 日立システムズホール仙台<仙台市青年文化センター>(宮城県仙台市 青葉区旭ヶ丘3丁目 27-5)
対象 原則小学4年生~6年生及び中学生(20名)
講師 松井利夫/陶芸家、京都造形芸術大学 教授
参加費 2,000円
Galette des rois 2017 (first half)
Date: 13:30–16:30, Sunday, October 15, 2017
Contents: Creating the feve.
Venue: 3-27-5, Asahigaoka, Aoba-ku Sendai-shi, Miyagi, 981-0904, Japan
Participation fee: JPY 2,000
This was the fourth time the galette des rois workshop was held, and many children who had participated in other workshops could be seen here and there. Each time the workshop is held, the number of participants increases, and this time there were so many applicants that there was a waiting list.
During the first half of the two-workshop program, the children created their own original fèves. They started by practicing their painting skills. They used glaze—a type of paint for applying color to ceramics—to color the Jomon clay figurine fèves and circular button fèves that had been prepared. They painted with great care as they pictured the finished product in their minds.
The children then made original fèves by making any shape they liked out of pure white clay and painting it with ceramic glaze. They were allowed to make any type and any number of creations. Some children took their time and concentrated on one project, while others created one fève after another as they came up with new ideas, and still others created a story from many fèves with the same motif.
At first the children seemed nervous and reserved and the room was quiet, but before long the ice was broken and new friendships were formed. As the workshop was coming to a close, the children’s work accelerated as they exploded into a creative frenzy, exclaiming “What?! It’s almost over?!” and “Can I have some more clay?” and “I don’t have enough glaze!” Mayor Matsui smiled upon seeing this, saying, “the creations made at this time during the workshop are often quite wonderful.”