日時 2017年8月8日(火)13時00分~16時00分
内容 伝承折り紙ではない、立体的でリアルな「複雑系」と呼ばれる創作折り紙に挑戦する初心者向けワークショップ
場所 蔵王町宮児童館(宮城県刈田郡蔵王町宮明神前60)
対象 小学生 20名程度
講師 東北大学折り紙サークル ORUXE
参加費 無料
協力 蔵王町宮児童館
First Complex Origami Experience
Date: 13:00–16:00, Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Contents: Crafting creative, complex-style origami, which expresses more three-dimensional and realistic origami.
Venue: Myouzinmae60, Miya, Zao-machi Katta-gun, Miyagi, 989-0701, Japan
Participation fee: free
Doing nothing but folding, one can transform a single square of paper into a myriad of different shapes. In contrast with the traditional style of origami favored since ancient times, the more modern, complex style of origami, which seeks to express more three-dimensional and realistic forms, has become popular. For this workshop the members of Tohoku University’s origami group, ORUXE, were invited to help the children take on the challenges of complex origami together with their families and local seniors.
First, the children were shown examples of complex origami creations, all of which were original works by the members of ORUXE. At the Miya Children’s Center in Zao, where the workshop was held, they often use traditional and unit origami in their activities, but the children’s curiosity was piqued by this new type of origami. When they learned that each creation was made form a single piece of paper with no cutting or gluing, they all exclaimed their surprise.
The crafting was done in three groups, divided by difficulty level. The low and medium difficulty levels made squid and swans, while the high difficulty level took on a Hercules beetle. Normally the participants were limited to three sheets of paper per person, but today they were allowed unlimited sheets. The folders chose from many types and sizes of paper to fit the feeling and complexity of their creation.
The children were taught the basic techniques and tricks of paper-folding, and the workshop became lively as children who had finished their folds taught those who were still struggling. Among these vibrant exchanges there could be seen the faces of the high difficulty level group, who concentrated on their creations without uttering a word. They opened and closed their papers with innumerable folds, again and again. “This is hard. My head hurts,” cried the children as they dropped their heads to their desks. “Don’t give up! Keep using your head!” Their instructors’ hearty encouragement pushed the children to stick it out and continue crafting until the end. This was the first time they had ever spent two hours on just one origami creation.