日時 2015年2月15日 13時00分~16時00分
内容 フェーブの制作
場所 けやき塾長町南校 仙台市太白区長町7丁目11-8
対象 小学5〜6年生 17名
講師 松井利夫
参加費 500円


Galette des rois 1 Making Féves
Date: February 15, 2015 13:00 - 16:00
Contents: Workshop to make Féves
Venue: Keyaki-juku, Nagamachiminami, 7-11-8, Nagamachi, Taihaku-ku, Sendai
Target: Students from fifth grade to sixth grade, 17students
Instructors: Toshio Matsui
Participation fee: JPY 500
"Galette des rois 1 Making féves" was the first workshop organized by the Art Village for Children project. Seventeen students from fifth and sixth grade who were invited from the public participated. The workshop was held in a classroom of Keyakijuku, a cram school in Sendai city.
First Mr. Matsui talked about the galette des rois, féve, and Jomon culture in the Tohoku district. Then the students practiced painting and made original féves. A clay figure-shaped féve, which Mr. Matsui prepared for painting practice, was contained in an inflated balloon. Students experienced the enjoyment of finding a féve in a Galette des rois through taking out the féve by breaking the balloon.
The children concentrated their attention on coloring a clay figure-shaped féve and a medal-shaped féve and even worked during a break. They completed féves to their liking while eating chocolate provided by Mr. Matsuzaka.
Though it was a cold and snowy day, the venue was filled with excitement, and the three hours passed very quickly.