
· Workshop

日時 2015年11月26(木)9:00–12:00

内容 縄文土器制作のための土の採掘と地質の話

場所 上野山小学校 楽元の森(仙台市太白区上野山1-20-1)

対象 小学5年生 74名

講師 池田匡優、若生克雄







Jomon Series Making Soil for Jomon Ware

Date: Thursday, November 26, 2015 9:00–12:00

Contents: Excavation of soil to be used for making ancient Japanese pottery and conversations about geology

Venue: Kaminoyama elementary school, 1-20-1, Kaminoyama, Taihaku-ku, Sendai, Miyagi

Target: Students in fifth grade, 74 students

Instructors: Masayuki Ikeda, Katsuo Wako

We were asked by the principal of the school if it was possible to design a workshop using the clay that could be taken from Rakugen-no-Mori, a forest located on the same premises as the Kaminoyama Elementary School in Sendai where kids experience and learn about nature. When we did a trial firing of the clay taken there, the resulting pottery came out in a fascinating red tone. We also found out that not far from the elementary school, in the Natori river area, a large number of ruins from the Jomon period exist and that pottery and clay figures from that time are being discovered. Based on the premise that maybe the people from the Jomon period used the same clay to create their pottery, this workshop’s goal over the next two years is the making of Jomon ware using clay taken from the children’s own school.

Conditions were unfortunate with constant rain that had started a couple of days prior, but the soil at the excavation spot stayed dry thanks to a sheet covering it. "Unless something drastic happens, let’s hold the event!" This statement from the principal pushed us forward, so we proceeded to set up a tent over the children’s workspace and held the event under a rainy sky.

The workshop started with the collection of soil. The ocher soil we were looking for lies roughly 30 cm deep under the surface black soil. The children diligently dug up the soil, filled it into buckets and carried it to the straining tent. For some of the kids, it was a first time experience. Upon first sight, it was not an entertaining work, but they made quick progress under great excitement. When the time was over, the kids proclaimed, "We want to dig more!"

After a break, we listened to what Mr. Wako from the Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan had to say about the soil the children had just dug up. Apparently, the soil came flying over from a volcano northwest of the Kamafusa Dam as volcanic foam some 70,000 or 80,000 years ago. According to Mr. Wako, it has accumulated to over one meter in the area around Kaminoyama Elementary School. From the geological perspective of the soil the children dug up and the archeological perspective of remains of the Jomon period that exist in great numbers in the vicinity of the School, it could be concluded that, most likely, the people from the Jomon period used the same soil to create their pottery.

With the workshop stretching over multiple years, the children will have entered their sixth year of elementary school by the time the next edition is held.

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