日時 2015年9月20日(日)13:00~15:00/21日(月)10:00~15:00
内容 こどもが親を変な動物に変身させてファッションショーを行うワークショップ
場所 南三陸町ひころの里(宮城県本吉郡南三陸町入谷字桜沢442)
対象 全対象 親子 13名
講師 花輪由樹
Animal Fashion Show by Children And Their Parents
Date: 13:00–15:00, Sunday, Semtember 20, 2015 and 10:00–15:00, Monday, September 21, 2015
Contents: A workshop in which children dress their parents up in funny animals to perform a fashion show
Venue: Hikoro-no-Sato, 442, Sakurazawa, Iriya, Minamisanriku, Miyagi
Target: Open for all (13 participants made up of 9 families)
Instructors: Yuki Hanawa (A researcher for "Children’s Village," a trumpeter in an animal costume)
"Animal Fashion Show by Children and Their Parents," where the children would dress their parents up in funny animal costumes, was held in the Iriya district of Minamisanriku in Miyagi Prefecture. Iriya lies on the inland side of Minamisanriku, a city that faces the ocean, it was designated as the location to build temporary housing facilities after the Great East Japan Earthquake for those who had lived along the coast and lost their homes to the tsunami.
First, the children decide which curious animal they would dress their parents as. We prepared a number of costumes in advances, such as a snake, a giant butterfly, a jellyfish, a clam and a kingfisher. If the kids had a different idea or a specific animal they wanted to dress their parents as, they also were able to design an original animal costume. After deciding on the design, the kids chose their favorite fabric out of more than 20 variations and proceeded to cut and punch them into an animal shape using scissors and staplers. Then, they used spangle, braid and cotton to give their costumes a special touch that turned them into one-of-a-kind works of art.
The main event of the day, the fashion show, was held under a blue sky. The dressed-up parents came walking from gate down the stone steps, their runway, and presented their outfits to the guests of the art event.
A mother who closely watched her child absorbed in creating something beautiful remarked, "We are always together, but I had no idea my child had such a particular taste." The discovery seemed to come as a surprise to her. There were also other participants—sisters attending junior high and high school who used their holidays and came all the way from Fukushima with their parents to visit their grandparents. They explained, "We wanted to give our mother a cute dress, because she does not really express herself usually."
With this workshop, we were aiming to reverse the usual relationship of parents and children, where parents decide what their child wears, and by doing so enabling parents and children to discover something new and create new relationship patterns. We believe that this goal was achieved.