日時 2017 年10月5日(木)13時30分~14時15分
内容 宮城県石巻市雄勝町の産業と観光の振興を目的とした「雄勝のCM」づくりワークショップ
場所 石巻市立雄勝小学校(宮城県石巻市雄勝大浜字小滝浜2番地2)
対象 小学5年生~6年生(10名)
講師 三浦誠(株式会社ルドルフ)
こども達と活動を続ける中で、「雄勝町の良さをもっと多くの人に知ってもらいたい。」、「雄勝町にもっと多くの人が来て欲しい。」といった声がたびたび聞かれるようになりました。そして、2016年2月に旧雄勝小学校で開催された「生活・総合発表会」では、当時のこども芸術カンパニー「OGATSU 7」から、CMづくりの提案がなされました。
2017年度、新雄勝小学校5~6年生10名による、こども芸術カンパニー「OGATSU X」が、その思いを受け継ぎ、雄勝町の産業と観光の振興を目的とした、「雄勝のCM」づくりをおこないます。
「暮らし」グループでは、雄勝の生活に寄り添う雄勝石に焦点を当て『ほってぇ皿』をメインに構成していきます。これまでのOGATSU Xとしての活動で出会った多くの人との関わりを振り返りながら、「この人の写真は入れよう!」など、人に対する思い入れの強さも感じます。構成を進める中で、実際にほってぇ皿が食卓に並ぶイメージが欲しいということになりました。今はまだ写真がないため、そのシーンを描いた絵を最後に入れました。
Children's Art Company OGATSU X: Ogatsu Commercial #2 (storyboard)
Date: 13:30–15:30, Thursday, October 5, 2017
Contents: OGATSU X members created a storyboard for the Ogatsu Commercial as part of the public class for the 33rd Tohoku Countryside Education Research Competition in Miyagi, Ishinomaki.
Venue: Azakotakihama2-2, Ogatsucho Ohama, Ishinomaki-shi, Miyagi, 986-1302, Japan
Target: Elementary school fifth grade to sixth grade
Instructors: Makoto Miura(RUDOLF)
In the second installment of OGATSU X's commercial project, the group split into two groups—one for each of the two themes: "the sea" and "living," which had been previously decided—and created storyboards to act as the foundation for the upcoming commercial. This workshop was held as part of the public class for the 33rd Tohoku Countryside Education Research Competition in Miyagi, Ishinomaki. Several dozen educators from across Japan came to observe the event.
In a different environment than usual, the children grappled with the question of how to convey the attractiveness of Ogatsu to others. The maximum number of photos they could include in their 30-second storyboard was 15. They needed to carefully select their photos and consider how to craft their storyboard.
The "sea" group used the idea of eating delicious Ogatsu scallops, and structured their storyboard around the process; from harvesting the shellfish to serving them on the dinner table. The "living" group focused on Ogatsu stone, which is intimately involved in their daily lives, and structured their storyboard around their past activities and the people they met along the way.
After each group completed their storyboard, they presented the concept behind the structure of their storyboards. The groups then crafted a slideshow of pictures based on their storyboard in order to check whether it would turn out as they expected and whether the commercial would convey the message they had in mind. They purposely avoided adding a soundtrack. They immediately recognized areas for improvement, such as "it's too fast" or "each picture is displayed for too short a time." They recognized some issues to address and the future direction of the project.