日時 2017 年11月7日(火)9時00分~11時30分
内容 12月2日の道の駅・上品の郷での販売体験会に向けた販売計画を立てる
場所 石巻市立雄勝小学校(宮城県石巻市雄勝大浜字小滝浜2番地2)
対象 雄勝小学校 5 年生及び 6 年生 10 名
昨年度のこども芸術カンパニー「OGATSU 7」の6年生が卒業し、旧・大須小学校と合併し新たな5~6年生10名によって構成された「OGATSU X」。
こども芸術カンパニー「OGATSU X」活動第4回となる今回は、12月2日に決定した道の駅・上品の郷(石巻)での販売体験会にむけ、第3回で制作したお皿を選別。値段や売り場についても考えていきます。
Children's Art Company OGATSU X: Shell Plates #4 (sales planning)
Date: 9:00–11:30, Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Contents: OGATSU X members selected Shell Plates to sell and set prices.
Venue: Azakotakihama2-2, Ogatsucho Ohama, Ishinomaki-shi, Miyagi, 986-1302, Japan
Target: Elementary school fifth grade to sixth grade
In the fourth installment of OGATSU X's Shell Plate project, the children prepared for their upcoming sales experience by selecting completed plates for selling, and setting their prices.
First, they selected approximately 100 finished plates to sell at their sales experience fair on December 2, 2017. Products were categorized into three ranks: superior (A): high quality Shell Plates; second-rate (B): serviceable plates, but the form and color are off; and inferior (C): not safe to use and not serviceable.
After the selection process, prices had to be set. The sales experience fair was intended to provide the children with an opportunity to experience practical social participation. Therefore, they did not calculate production costs, but instead surveyed their consumers (teachers) to ask how much they thought the plates would sell for, and based their pricing on the results. The results ranged from 300 to 1,000 yen, and had many price points in between. Some members of OGATSU X wanted to make the plates less expensive so they could be sure they would sell all of their product, while others preferred to set the price higher to reflect the value of a product made by their friends and members of the community, and still others observed that A-rank items could be sold at a higher price than initially suggested.
Finally, the children discussed their point of sale. They examined pictures of real shops and stalls, and observed what each one did in order to sell items. They realized that the shops they glanced at in passing every day had more than just tags with product names and prices; a lot more information and showmanship goes into selling a product. They used this information to consider what they needed for their shop. They shared their ideas for how their shop could best convey their feelings to their customers in order to encourage people to buy their Shell Plates.
OGATSU X members planned the shop display for selling Shell Plates.
In the fifth installment of OGATSU X's Shell Plate project, the children continued their discussions from the previous installment about how to display their wares for sale. They considered many practical factors of the display, even physically arranging the plates and creating pop-up display elements.