日時 2015年10月3日(土)10:00~17:00
内容 大きな和紙を使用した大きな本の制作
場所 阿部仁史アトリエ(宮城県仙台市若林区卸町3-3-16)
対象 小学5~6年生 12名
講師 田上亜希乃、斧澤未知子、菊地充洋、根朋子
参加費 500円
協力 阿部仁史アトリエ
午後は、製本のお話からスタートです。製本ディレクターの菊地先生が、目の前に新聞や週刊誌、マンガ本などを並べ、何か気付くことはないかと問いかけます。みんなで話し合いをしながら、それらの本をグループ分けした結果、ジャンルや対象年齢、出版サイクルなどに応じて、紙の質や製本の種類などが決まっていることが分かりました。製本について理解が深まったところで、いよいよ和綴じ製本に挑戦です。ポンチで穴を開け、糸で綴じ、みんなで一冊の大きな本「SUPER BIG BOOK」を完成させました。
Date: Saturday, October 3, 2015 10:00–17:00
Contents: Creating a big book using traditional handmade Washi
Venue: Atelier Hitoshi Abe, 3-3-16, Oroshimachi, Wakabayashi-ku, Sendai, Miyagi
Target: Students from fifth grade to sixth grade, 12 students
Instructors: Akino Tagami / Michiko Onozawa / Mitsuhiro Kikuchi / Akiko Kon
Participation fee: JPY 500
Partners: Atelier Hitoshi Abe
The second half of the "SUPER BIG BOOK" project, we used the big sheet of traditional handmade Washi that the children made in the first workshop to create a big book.
First, the children used a small piece of paper with the same aspect ratio as the big Washi to discuss different designs. After the design was finalized, the children moved on to transfer it to the big Washi. During this process, the child had his or her own style, as there were children who immediately started drawing freehandedly without any prior preparation, as well as others who first designed a rough sketch they would then follow with a ruler.
The afternoon started with a conversation about bookbinding. The bookbinding director, Mr. Kikuchi, placed newspapers, weekly magazines, manga and other publications in front of the children and asked them if they noticed anything. Discussing how to group different books together made the children understand that there are rules to follow concerning the type of paper or the binding technique, amongst others, according to genres, target age groups and publishing cycles.
With this deepened understanding of the bookbinding process, the workshop entered its main component, the making of a big book of Washi. The children combined their efforts putting in holes with a punching tool and binding pages together with strings. In the end, they succeeded in completing a "SUPER BIG BOOK."
Finally, the children recapped the day by comparing the designs they had drawn onto the small sheets of paper with those on the big sheet of Washi. The children shared impressions, such as, "The coloring was very difficult, so we made a team of three and colored the paper together," and "Binding a book together with everybody was a fun." After the workshop ended, one participant performed a Karate routine he had mastered for the others. We feel like the kids, even though they were meeting for the first time seeing as the event was publicly advertised, were able to create new bonds through cooperative work and exchange. Creating a system where children get to interact with each other was brought up as one of the challenges last year, and we plan to continue integrating systems that facilitate an exchange between children into our programs.